We live in a system that allows mistakes only when the solutions can be found solely within it. We live in a system and we function in it, except when we make art.
I’ve always dreamt of a world that doesn’t have the fear of making mistakes, never about a world that flaunts being right.
In a historical moment that privileges the emergence of new devices, people have easily become used to assimilating ideas that others think for them, when actually thoughts must be newer than the novelty.
Those who feel confident about being part of a large audience believe in the assimilation of technological media as the only way not to fall behind, ignoring that this behavior is the worst way of moving forward, only delaying the invention of our next fire.
Every error disturbs us because it shatters the certainty of our centuries of knowledge, but every time we are wrong, a part of us usually proves us right.
In an error lies a combination of possibilities that avoid function and that is a quality shared with art, and its residual value consists in being useless, in its lack of practicality.
An error bursts onto the scene. Objects fail on purpose, forcing us to contemplate their inherent creative nature.
The main purpose of every object is to fail, and by doing so, they turn into something more complete: the result of what we expect and do not expect. It becomes a new object, with new features, that will travel through a path that maximizes it.
When things fail they look like us, they acquire the human condition. Errors always return to make us the same.
In a world where thinking is considered erroneous, thinking becomes a duty. Error is creation.
Manifesto 7th “404 International Festival of Art and Technology”
by Lic. Gina Valenti
Taipei, Taiwan, 2010