In the way we combine our words, there was always a reason to resort to them: an objective planned by people whose fear had led them to conquer all.
That’s why, sometimes, it is necessary for some event to occur, so that it changes the difficulties of the scene and transgresses it to locate them in a place that achieves to reunite us.
We have learned from the systems we create and for a while we started to operate like them.
This time, we react like the system acts, answering with its own tools and dedicating to it the mechanisms used to convince us.
But, how to stop a system that makes us walk?
Time and history does not belong to us because they are the major terms that never complete us.
We have built a world that does not believe in us, but we create fictions to imagine the reality.
Can global systems change when they are overcome by individual ideas?
What would happen if those ideas simulate being part of that system?
When our ideas are not convenient, they can also replicate massively. And these are dangerous when they can only survive without a practical reason.
If we think, we are smart.
If we insist, we are spam.
We have not got here by a template. We can’t allow them to prefer us presetted. There is a way to reflect ourselves, and it is not on others (our image returns to Him by BCC). There is a way to last, and is not in the pictures. We are the message that the system refuses to receive, but let’s continue trying because we could make it collapse.
We are the last of the first. We are those who believe in what does not easily convinces to those who abound. However, we were always more.
There were people in this world who are in other social networks: he, who died saying that the earth revolves, she, who slept in a laboratory to cure us, those, who lost their lives to defend a truth that never agreed with the power. All of them left, but they also left something to us.
The battles that Art has portrayed are those that it didn’t want to impede.
The plagues that religions have predicted are those that science seeks to remedy.
The slogans that the media has carved on the bark of other eras are the messages that we will know how to intercept in our time, before that world stop believing in someone else.
Then, we will have left the drafts area.
We will not be untitled.
The message is being sent this time.
Manifesto 12th “404 International Festival of Art and Technology”
by Lic. Gina Valenti
Rosario, Argentina, 2015
Translation by Carla Celoria