Far away, the singing of the children can be heard and the walls don’t want to fall to pieces for its own cause.
They have colonized our minds, but also our hearts. Every heap of stones is now the horizon and above it something soars, still wanting to fly.
It’s the dissociation that they have invented between words and actions, the first of the ruins in which we want to create some future. The need to be some other way, without certainty, to be someone unknown like the well-known people.
The naturalization of the distance between us and us.
We are beings practitioners of the light living in complete darkness. We are those who dedicate our own destruction to the others. The humans, the defeated, the failed and incomplete ones. Our is the disappearance of those who are practically unseen.
Scenography is the first thing that abandons us. Then, the costumes leave, friends, and finally, the reflection of all their shades. Go through our eyes with another view. We are a mirror with two bottoms, where everything that we truly want can happen.
Here, not all has been hell and paradise. Our world must insist because fear doesn’t know how to spin. Make a pact with time so it can too stay and see it.
Far away, the voices of those who are coming can be heard. Be, because those who can´t also have built you. Those who are not present are still waiting for you. Be for them to be.
Manifesto 15º “404 International Festival of Art & Technology”
by Lic. Gina Valenti
Fukuoka, Japan, 2018